Student entrepreneurship does far more than encourage students to create products and
companies. By encouraging all students across all disciplines to explore entrepreneurship,
institutions help develop skills of entrepreneurial thinking. An entrepreneurial mindset advances the capabilities and careers of student creators across classifications and disciplines — engineering, fine arts, business, medical or any other area of study. Using the term “creator” interchangeably with “entrepreneur” serves to welcome musicians, artists, designers, authors and scientists who may not think of themselves as an entrepreneur, but who would benefit greatly from exploring the entrepreneurial mindset.
Read more about this in the 2023 Annual Report:
Entrepreneurship requires much more than understanding the concepts to succeed; like
any skill, it requires practice and training. A well-conceived entrepreneurial living learning community (ELLC) is a perfect solution for student creators from all backgrounds to hone the entrepreneurial mindset. Living in a resource-rich environment not only activates the creativity inherent to the entrepreneurial mindset, it also provides longitudinal support. Because not all creators bring an initial business idea, through an immersive ELLC, they can learn, experiment and develop their ideas at their own pace.
